New Breed of Youth Mentoring Program, Inc.
New Breed of Youth Mentoring Program has received $222,750.00 to conduct sports and mentoring programs for youth in detention.
New B.O.Y. (New Breed of Youth) was established during summer of 2006. This male empowerment program works with young men who are currently in crisis situations: on probation, kicked out of school, involved with gang activity, victims & witnesses of domestic abuse, drug abuse, etc. The NEW B.O.Y program’s vision is to utilize a strength-based approach to foster a life-changing experience for young men living in underprivileged communities.
With Vitality Funding, New B.O.Y. plans to implement the New B.O.Y. Now You’re a Man: Youth Sports, Community Service and Fellowship Initiative. In addition to integrating youth sports programs into community-based programing, New B.O.Y. has proposed adding youth sports leagues into juvenile detention centers as a means of promoting the well-being of youth’s mind, spirit, and bodies. The New B.O.Y. YSCSF program will have a primary goal of empowering youth participants to build their self-confidence; and reinforce the importance of self-discipline, positive conflict resolution, and boundaries.
Within every aspect of this initiative, New B.O.Y. will keep an open line of communication with parents and guardians, with a goal of also motiving them to take an active role in the parental support of their child. Placing a premium on being culturally responsive and trauma informed; youth mentors in the YSCSF program will promote and encourage the importance of young people’s mental health, as well as facilitate and cultivate the significance of living a drug-free lifestyle.
The delivery of services will be done through the New B.O.Y Clinical Mentoring program. This program was developed as a new hybrid service, to address the complexities and challenges youth are currently facing. This hybrid model combines traditional mentoring services and youth sports with therapeutic counseling services to offer an elevated youth mentoring experience with a capacity to address both the need for recreational engagement and challenges of trauma and emotional skill deficits in participating youth.
Learn more about the mission of New B.O.Y. by visiting their website: https://ibnbmentor.org/nb-our-story/