Flanner House of Indianapolis

Flanner House of Indianapolis has received $499,950.00 for staffing of a new “Morningstar” African American Wellness Center.

Flanner House has operated for 125 years in the near northwest area of Indianapolis, serving members of low-income families that live at or below the poverty level. Beginning in 2022, all participants in Flanner House programs have been offered mental health care services through their African-centered wellness initiative, Morningstar. Due to the community need for more culturally relevant mental health services, Flanner House secured support for a building for the services next door to their community center location. With Vitality Funding, Flanner House/Morningstar hopes to increase the capacity of their current offerings by adding additional staff and training to support the other community centers in the Indianapolis area.

Flanner House’s full programming follows a model they refer to as “holonomy.” For years, their Center for Working Families program and F.E.E.D. program {Farming, Education, Employment and Distribution) have been serving individuals as young as age 16 throughout adulthood. All clients receive 5 years of support and access to the individualized services they need to thrive in seven dimensions of wellness-mental, physical, social, financial, spiritual, environmental, and vocational. Every participant has an individual Relationship Manager who maintains contact, schedules weekly check-ins on the worksite as well at Flanner House’s community center, tracks employment status, financial management, housing stability, and assists with legal issues, if required. As needed, individuals are able to access childcare through the Flanner Child Development Center for infants through kindergarten, resources that support their basic needs in rental assistance, food, advocacy with schools, HSE credentialing, workforce development and credentialing, and employment opportunities.

Learn more about the mission of Flanner House by visiting their website: https://www.flannerhouse.org/

View the Flanner House Gala Video 2023